Welcome to JUMPO

The Jacksonville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (JUMPO) is the regional transportation planning organization serving the Jacksonville metropolitan area of NC. Our planning area includes the City of Jacksonville, Onslow County, the Town of RichlandsTown of SwansboroTown of Holly Ridge, and Town of North Topsail Beach. JUMPO consists of representatives from these areas and municipalities,  and also North Carolina Department of Transportation, and Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

The City of Jacksonville is designated as the lead planning agency for JUMPO in facilitating regional and cooperative planning processes that serve as the basis for the expenditure of all federal transportation funds for improving our area transportation network including: streets, highways, bridges, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian networks.

Back to School Safety

As we plan for the new school year, keep traffic safety top of mind. Whether it’s looking for bicycles and pedestrians, buckling up, practicing school bus safety, or putting down distractions, you have a part to play.

Horizon 2040

Horizon 2040 is the Comprehensive Land Use and Coastal Area Management Plan for Onslow County. The Plan takes inventory of the existing demographic, housing, development, and environmental conditions in order to understand the County’s foundation as it moves into the next 20 years. 

public Comment

JUMPO  is seeking public comment on the following planning documents:

– P7.0 Division Needs LIP Assignment

Anyone who wishes to comment may do so by sending an email to sadams2@jacksonvillenc.gov or via phone at (910) 938-5037. Comments must be received on or before October 10, 2024.



See all of our current planning efforts, including our Public Participation Plan, the 2045 MTP, 2024-2033 MTIP and Amendments. Archived Studies, resources and other JUMPO documents are also posted here.



The most recent information regarding highway projects in the FY 2024-2033 STIP, listed alphabetically by primary road name is provided here.


planning area

Learn about the JUMPO planning area. Read about the rich history of Jacksonville and the surrounding townships: Richlands, Holly Ridge, Swansboro, and North Topsail Beach. Find links and info here.



NCDOT’s six modes of transportation (highway, ferry, rail, public transportation, bicycle & pedestrian and aviation) uses a data-drive approach for ranking projects. 


Service Areas

jumpo transportation project map

This map includes transportation projects that have been or are hoped to be programmed in JUMPO’s Transportation Plan.

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