Transit Services Planning: In accordance with the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding between JUMPO and the City of Jacksonville, both agencies will collaboratively plan for the effective and efficient development of the Jacksonville Transit system.

Corridor Planning: Corridor planning is an essential tool used by local governments to shape the future of existing or planned roadways. The TAC and TCC concluded that corridor planning is an important JUMPO function and those projects should:
- Be multi-modal in nature, focusing on all forms of transportation available to move people and freight
- Improve the safety of our transportation system
- Follow guidance provided by the Federal Highway Administration to include both land use and transportation aspects of the corridor, focusing on long-term livability and sustainability
- Evaluate opportunities for improving system connectivity
- Promote the concept of complete streets
- Consider environmental impacts of the transportation system/enhancements
- Extend across jurisdictional boundaries to improve planning cohesiveness between the MPO and RPO

Congestion Management Planning: Congestion management planning is a critical component of maintaining an efficient and effective transportation system. While MPOs with greater than 200,000 permanent residents are required by federal legislation to maintain a Congestion Management Process, the Jacksonville MPO has yet to exceed that threshold. While not specifically required, congestion management planning is a priority JUMPO function.

Land Use and Development Services: Jacksonville MPO staff provides technical support to the City of Jacksonville Development Services Department and Onslow County Planning and Development Department for transportation-related plan review.